Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Dear future forgetter of the small things-er,

Lately I have been doing a lot of things.  You know what they say - busy hands make for a busy lady.  Well, I say that anyway.

I have updated my blogger header - which is a funny thing because somehow I spend so much time on it that I feel I need to put it up, but when I put it up I'm not sure I actually like it.  Also I turned off my comments (I think), which a friend did, and it felt very liberating actually.  I feel that now I can write what I like.  
So ha.

We have done a bit of travelling actually, which I need to update.  

I have done a few 'bucket list' type things to post about.

I have been lost for the tenth time at the same roundabout, laid in freshly washed and dried (still warm) washing, and been projectile spewed on by a baby.  And that's just in the last two days.

Life has been hard lately, but also good somehow.  And I wonder if the hard makes the good better, and the good makes the hard easier.

Just a little something to ponder,

Love, life liver.  xx

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